Commit 202aef7b authored by wangjiangze's avatar wangjiangze


parent 60922f7b
......@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ class FrontAction extends CommonAction{
$hotelModel = D("Hotel");
$spModel = D("Sp");
$hotel_lists = $hotelModel->where("`status`=0 and sp_id in(".$userInfo['sp_ids'].")")->select();
$hotel_lists = $hotelModel->where("sp_id in(".$userInfo['sp_ids'].")")->select();
$sp_lists = $spModel->where("`status`=0 and id in(".$userInfo['sp_ids'].")")->select();
$hotel_lists = $hotelModel->where("`status`=0")->select();
$hotel_lists = $hotelModel->select();
$sp_lists = $spModel->where("`status`=0")->select();
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