Commit ade095bf authored by 吴贤德's avatar 吴贤德


parent 055d91f6
......@@ -307,10 +307,14 @@ class CenterAction extends Action
public function test_auto_push(){
//sps : [{"sp_id":"1","push_mode":"1"},{"sp_id":"2","push_mode":"0"}]
......@@ -329,12 +333,17 @@ class CenterAction extends Action
if (empty($page_size)){
$page_size = 10;
$whereHotelid = "1=1";
$hid = $_GET["hid"];
if (!empty($hid)){
$whereHotelid = "hotel_id=$hid";
$spid = $_GET["spid"];
$start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime($_GET["start"]));//date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date))
$end = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime($_GET["end"]));
$sqlTotal = "SELECT count(1) total FROM sh_hotel_media_map_$spid WHERE hotel_id=3 AND updatetime BETWEEN '$start' AND '$end';";
$sqlTotal = "SELECT count(1) total FROM sh_hotel_media_map_$spid WHERE $whereHotelid AND hm.status_inject=1 AND updatetime BETWEEN '$start' AND '$end';";
$totalArr = M("")->query($sqlTotal);
$total = 0;
if (count($totalArr)>0){
......@@ -350,7 +359,7 @@ class CenterAction extends Action
. ",mw.newsImage_1,mw.newsImage_2,mw.newsImage_3,mw.englishTitle";
$sql = "SELECT $fields"
. " FROM (SELECT hm.media_id,h.code,hm.status,hm.status_inject FROM sh_hotel_media_map_$spid hm,sh_hotel h"
. " WHERE hm.hotel_id=3 AND hm.status_inject=1 AND hm.updatetime BETWEEN '$start' AND '$end' AND ORDER BY hm.updatetime,hm.media_id ASC LIMIT $limit_from,$page_size) hm"
. " WHERE $whereHotelid AND hm.status_inject=1 AND hm.updatetime BETWEEN '$start' AND '$end' AND ORDER BY hm.updatetime,hm.media_id ASC LIMIT $limit_from,$page_size) hm"
. " JOIN sh_media_wasu mw ON";
// echo $sql;exit;
......@@ -361,6 +370,7 @@ class CenterAction extends Action
$result["list"] = $list;
header('Content-type: application/json'); //json
echo json_encode($result);
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